Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Bibles, lessons, food, water, missions, bills, shelter, medicine, doctors, lights, electric, sewage, heat, air conditioning, paint, glass, cleaning supplies, internet, phones, paper, ink, staples, paper clips, and the list goes on and on. What do all these things have in common? Simply that they all cost something therefore, money. I am sure you could add a few more to this list. Ooh, insurance, salaries too. On top of all these things there is our obligation to our conference to support the apportionment which is used to pay salaries and benefits for our district superintendents, bishop, conference center, programs that help local churches, student pastors, missions, and then some. It is part of our connectedness as United Methodists. We get more done together than we do apart.
October 13 this year is the beginning of our stewardship campaign and it will run for 6 weeks until November 17 at which time we will submit our commitment cards to the church showing our support for ministry in the coming year. I know that it sounds like paying the bills, but it is so much more than that. It is a spiritual act of worship as we give to support ministry that glorifies God and spreads scriptural holiness over the world. Our giving shows our love for Jesus. Sounds like a cheap shot doesn’t it? It sounds like something you would see on Facebook. “Copy and share if you love Jesus”, boy, that one drives me crazy. So, if I don’t copy and share then I don’t love Jesus? Give me a break. However, if we don’t ‘pay the bills’ then we can’t do effective ministry and souls may be lost. So please pray and think about your commitment to support the ministry of our church. A commitment that you will be asked to put in writing this November 17. Thank you.
God loves you and so do we,
On behalf of the Finance Committee
Pastor Bruce