Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This is in all likelihood my last blog as your pastor and last newsletter article to you from me. I retire in June and we
are moving to Greenville PA where we have bought a house. It is with mixed emotions
that I enter this chapter of my life. To say that I will miss you all is an understatement. I
have come to love you over these past eight years and we have done some wonderful
ministry together. I want to thank you for your faithfulness and support. I especially want
to say, “well done thou good and faithful servants of the Lord!” Together we have made
a great difference in the community for Jesus and I fully expect you to keep it going
under Pastor Joe’s leadership. I know that what we have accomplished was not done
for me or any one person but for the Lord and it was all done under the power of the
Holy Spirit therefore all honor, glory and praise goes to God. 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So
whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
While I may be retiring from full time ministry I do not believe there is any retirement in
the Bible. I will continue to serve the Lord Jesus in some capacity because “there is
nothing more important than salvation” so there is still work to be done by all of us.
There has just been a change of seasons for me. I will see you again even if it is on the
other side! Keep your nose to the grindstone, exhort and love one another and
introduce the world around you to the love of Jesus via word and deed. I will keep you in
my prayers as I hope you will keep me and Bonnie in yours.
God loves you and so do I,
Pastor Bruce