Church Council

CHURCH COUNCIL - Ed Caswell, Chairman
According to the United Methodist Discipline, the primary task of the Church Council is to lead the congregation in long-range planning and in carrying out its program so that people are received into its fellowship, encouraged in strengthening their relationship with God, and supported as they seek to live as
Christian disciples.
Its responsibilities are:
  1. To serve as the executive agency of the charge conference, overseeing the administration and program of the congregation.
  2. To study the hopes, concerns, and needs of people in the community (including the congregation) to determine how you might serve them and how they may serve one another as Christian disciples.
  3. To initiate planning, establish goals and objectives develop programs, and evaluate effectiveness of the ministry and mission of the congregation.
  4. To plan and carry out programs that fulfills the congregation’s ministries of nurture, outreach, and witness.
  5. To encourage understanding of a commitment to inclusiveness in the life of the congregation.
  6. To provide for effective pastoral and lay leadership for the mission and ministry of the congregation.
  7. To recommend to the Charge Conference the compensation, housing needs, and benefits for the pastor(s) and other staff after receiving recommendations from the Committee on Pastor-Parish Relations.
  8. To fill vacancies in positions between meetings of the Charge Conference, upon the recommendation of the Committee on Lay Leadership.
  9. To provide for financial support, physical facilities, and the legal obligations of the local congregation.
  10. To be responsible for the congregation’s relations to appropriate District and Annual Conference programs and structures.
  11. To be accountable to the Charge Conference.
In other words, the Church Council is made up of a representative from every committee of our church. They combine to approve activities, brainstorm on new ideas, and, in general, guide our church on a Christian path. Our Church Council meets every other month on the 4th Tuesday at 7:00 PM. Everyone is invited to attend these meetings to voice compliments, suggestions, and concerns about the programs and administration of our church, however; only members of the committee are permitted to vote on motions.