UM Men's Work Crew

United Methodist Men meet in the kitchen for donuts and coffee and then divide into groups to do maintenance and repairs throughout the church. They join together again for lunch and fellowship before leaving for the day. We are extremely blessed to have these wonderful men do the work they do. Each year they save our church thousands of dollars in repair bills. If you would like to volunteer to help, there are no sign-up sheets or reservations required … just come on Tuesday morning at 9:00 AM in your work clothes!

WENDELL’S VISION – Wendell Campbell was a key part of the Rick Simms Memorial Work Trip team. Wendell had a vision to provide the same type of mission work as Rick Simms Memorial Trip but to those here in our community. Wendell passed away in 2020. This along with the COVID-19 economic impact launched Wendell’s Vision. In 2020 our first project was to build a ramp for a family with medical needs and limited economic resources. Wendell’s vision is an ongoing local mission project. For more information as to how to volunteer or how to request assistance, please click the pages below.

THE RICK SIMMS MEMORIAL WORK TRIP 2020 - With the crisis still keeping most of the country ordered to stay at home and limiting travel to essential trips until the end of April, we weren’t able to make the visit on April 7th to Heart & Hand to decide on a project for this year. In addition, we were notified from A/B University that the housing we were to use wouldn’t be available this year, since they have adopted a cyber approach to their classes until the Fall semester. The logistics of planning, fund-raising and scheduling for this year have been so compromised we have decided to cancel this year’s June trip. We have made Mike Miller aware of our decision, to which he showed great gratitude for all the years of loyal service and assistance to Barbour County, WV. He hopes we can keep in touch with regard to future mission work with Heart & Hand Ministries. This would have been the 28th annual missions’ trip. Our group represented 5 different churches over the last few years, as you well may know. It is our hope that we can put our abilities and talents to use in our local communities over this summer, similar to the Ramp Project we did for the Cook family early this year. No projects are in the queue just yet. If you are interested, watch the newsletter & bulletins for possible tasks and time frames over the next months. Patty & I want to ask you to keep this ministry in your prayers for direction, safety and the leading of the Holy Spirit going forward. God’s plan has yet to be revealed to us and then be serviced through us. Coordinators, Patty & Jack Osterman

THE RICK SIMMS MEMORIAL WORK TRIP - In 1992 we partnered with Heart and Hand Ministries in Phillippi, Barbour County WV to serve those in need. Our mission work helps with work projects to remodels, additions, repair homes and improve living conditions for those who are unable to do this themselves. And we reach out to those with the love of Christ and share the gospel. We team up with 5 other churches in this mission. It is our hope that we can put our abilities and talents to use in our local communities over this summer, similar to the Ramp Project we did for the Cook family early this year. No projects are in the queue just yet. If you are interested, watch the newsletter & bulletins for possible tasks and time frames over the next months. Patty & I want to ask you to keep this ministry in your prayers for direction, safety and the leading of the Holy Spirit going forward. God’s plan has yet to be revealed to us and then be serviced through us. Coordinators, Patty & Jack Osterman


This ministry’s purpose is to assist or complete tasks/projects for those who otherwise could not do them for themselves as members of Irwin First United Methodist Church and surrounding community. The needs may vary greatly from the simple to the very complex. We will consider any or all of the requests using the same criteria, without reservation.

The goal: Bring glory to God by helping others with our gifts & service!!

Getting Started...

Request may be submitted to the church office for consideration and qualification via a Wendell's Vision Request Form. Emailing of the form will also be available from the church's website, - Click on Groups, Outreach, Wendell’s Vision.

All requests will be vetted by the church clergy/staff before any contact is made to honor the request. Some requests may be considered undoable and the request denied during the vetting process.

Contact will be made to establish a time frame by the volunteer(s) who agree to take on the task/project. It will be done on a strictly volunteer basis by qualified members of the taskforce.

Material needs may be supplied by the requesting party or purchased by the ministry staff. Payment may be made for the latter by remitting a check to "First United Methodist Church Irwin" and "Wendell's Vision" on the memo line.

Donations will be accepted for completed satisfactory requests in the same manner. Checks made out to the church. No cash or checks should be given to the volunteer(s) at any time.

If during the vetting process it is determined that the requesting party will need financial aid to fulfill the request, then no reimbursement is required. Donations will still be accepted by such party upon satisfactory completion of the request at the recipient's digression.

All requesting parties must understand that if request is a critical or emergency situation you may need to seek professional assistance. Timing is very important in many situations and should not be overlooked in order to wait for this ministry's assistance acceptance.